søndag 30. mars 2008

Do Japan in two weeks.

PhotobucketI had no plan for my spring vacation, but was lured into joinig the other forigners travelling. So suddenly I found myself at the beach in Japans answer to Hawaii: Okinawa. A place with hot weather, nice beaches, nature parks and a romantic atmosphere. Ryeojin-san was swept away and Jeff-san became even happier than on this picture at the West-most trainstation in Japan.
pass opp for han her, selv om han er tam.I stayed cool and relaxed, actually so tame that the locals raised a monument of my behaviour. (sorry for you who don't read norwegian)

After returning, it was time for action. What was known as Chris' crazy plan, was to be my next adventure. So the two of us was got on night busses and night ferries to get around the west side as cheap and fast as possible. Starting in Beppu with mud-bath, sex-museum and hot-springs of every colour.
Next we met a new fellow TiTech-student Kenny-san at Fukouka. Beeing unable to find the local food there, neither Chris-san nor Kenny-san saw any other solution to our problem than to eat the poisonous fish "fugu". I couldn't be any worse, so after writing my will and checking that they survived their first bite, I did it. I ate the life-threatning octopus-tasting/tastless fish. Felt kinda like bungee-jumping.

Having already been in Hiroshima, everything was old news except a hobbyshop we found. Hooked on "Magic" as I am, we stayed and played a whole day at this Geek-shop.

But we had to move on, and got to the Japanese desert. Our plan to do paragliding had to be dropped since it was raining, so we realized that even if the desert has camels and sand, it is actually just a big beach. But Japanese tourists loves it.
Next mission was to embarrass ourselves by looking between our legs. That was in the place called shimahashidachi (the ladder to heaven). A facinating scenery, but not as facinating as the rental bikes we got. They had an electric engine giving us extra acceleration when stepping, a crazy feeling of freedom.

torsdag 6. mars 2008

Se plommer og hus.

Tre timer med tog, så kom vi til en filosofisk krok med Japanske hager og plummetrær. Jammen hadde de en kunstnerisk bygning på 100m også. Dessuten så jeg en kar med norsk skyggelue, så jeg ba Denton-san å posere, så jeg fikk tatt et bilde.
For dere som ikke vet hva natto er, så er det fragmenterte (mugla..?..) soyabønner. Jeg begynner å like det, selv om det ser ut som edderkoppegg.

mandag 3. mars 2008

Spill spill spill

På fredag, da Bergithe ble fridd til av kløktige Kristian som ønsket bare en dag hvert fjerde år å huske på, hungra jeg etter å spille brettspill. Jeg skulle vise Tone rundt i den elektriske byen dagen etterpå og synge karaoke, dessuten hadde jeg masse lekser. Allikevel kunne jeg ikke motstå fristelsen når Chris så en toys'r'us fra toget. Vi hoppet av og lette etter Risk.

De hadde ikke, så vi endte opp kjøpe Magic - The gathering kort og ble spillenes utover kvelden til sola stod opp. Herlig!
Så dagen etterpå skulle man tro at jeg var kurert fra spillesuget, men nei. Jeg kjøpte meg Playstation 3 men har enda ikke åpna pakka. For nå holdt jeg nettopp foredrag. Det gikk å få unna leksene i siste liten. Nå skal jeg hjem å prøve "Heavenly Sword". Peace!